Giga Casting – Mega Casting
Special systems developed to serve large die-casting units, even over 12,000 tonnes. They go beyond traditional thermoregulation systems, making it possible to simplify and optimise temperature control systems within the die-casting unit.


Technical specifications:
- 2.5 inches piping
- PED certification
- Certified weldings
- Radiography on each welding
- Pressure test
- Flow temperature: max 160°C
- Heating capacity: 144 kW
- Cooling capacity: 600 kW
- Pump: 480 l/m at 6 bar
- Worlling pressure: 14-18 bar
- Total power absorption: 164 kW
- Total current absorption: 236A
- Dimensions: 1350x1750xh1650
- Water flow at start-up: 130 l/m


Technical specifications:
Heating fluid: Pressurized water
Flow temperature: max 160°C
Heating capacity: 54 kW
Cooling capacity: 300 kW
Pump: 280 l 8 bar
Distribution: 10 circuits
Distributor controls: Temperature, flow.
Total power absorption: 61,7 kW
Total current absorption: 105A
Dimensions: 1400x600xh1250
- Integrates all IECI Temperature cantol devices
- Custom on DCM layout
- POWERFRAME visualization
- Full integration with DCM panel
- Full integration with cell controller
- Remote control

Technical Focus
IECI offers its customers a wide range of services on its temperature control products and systems. From maintenance to training, we are at your side at all stages of project development.
More information
IECI is present in more than 20 countries worldwide.
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